Pages- Some of you have asked to see some of the older prayers/songs that I wrote (arr. by year)

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I have a problem. 

I love stories.

No, seriously. I really love stories.

Mainly stories about people's lives.

About what they've done. 

Or heard. 

Or said. 

Or wish they hadn't.

Or about what they dream of doing one day.

Just ask the people I work with! It's quite common for me out of the blue to say, "Tell me a
story." To which I usually get a very blank stare and a tentative, "What… kind… of story??"
(This is when it gets exciting- they haven't walked away yet!)
And I over enthusiastically reply, "Anything! Just a story!" 

That approach works when you're with people.
But it becomes harder when you are sitting by yourself at a table in a dark kitchen.
And to make matters worse the clock on the wall just keeps saying, "tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk"
over and over to mock how much time you are wasting wishing for a story.

So I've found a semi-solution. 

Right after blocking out the priggish clock. 

I read blogs. (Completely. Like all the entries.)

Totally random blogs from people I have never met and never will meet.

I argue with them.

And laugh with them.

And get choked up with them.

And then I remember my problem.

I have a test tomorrow.