Pages- Some of you have asked to see some of the older prayers/songs that I wrote (arr. by year)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mission Accomplished.

Well this wraps up my fourth and final day of the juice reboot. Why not ten, you ask?
My purpose for this reboot was two-fold:

a) I wanted my mom (who has been doing this with me) to feel better from various ailments and adopt a healthier life style. I had told her that I would do it if she would do it and she has for three days (I started a day before her). At this point, she says she needs to have more than juice in order to do her jobs up to par, but has realized how unhealthy her diet was and wants to center her diet in the future around fruits and vegetables- which I'm thrilled about! :) She also plans to cut down her meat intake to once or twice a week (also fantastic!) and cut out white flour and refined sugar! We (I'm going to continue to eat what she eats, hence stopping the just juice portion) are going to continue to juice once to twice a day and to still just eat fruits and vegetables for probably around another five days, at which point we'll add in nuts, seeds, beans, etc. and then after that she can add back in moderate animal products if she wishes (I will not be eating the same as her in that case, though!).

b) I was impressed in the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead by the need to give your digestive system a rest, which given our typical American eating patterns, we don't tend to do much. So, I'd say that four days qualifies for that. I do still want to do a ten-day reboot at some point (hopefully after I have a wide variety of really yummy juice recipes to live on!) but that will be slightly postponed for now.

From this mini-reboot:
- I've enjoyed clearer vision.
- My resting heart rate has come back down to 54, which is what it was when I was training pretty hard over two years ago.
- My body feels healthier in general and more ready to resume training (yay!), less sluggish, etc.
- I've learned some important lessons in nutrition and really experienced the difference on how you can feel on great fuel.
- I've also learned that it's okay to feel a little bit hungry. This is a very important lesson as I was starting to pick up a pretty nasty habit of diving into food given the slightest excuse of hunger, boredom, need for brainpower, etc. On the reboot, I was rarely not hungry, and learned to be okay with that.
- And yes, I also lost a little bit of weight. :)

So! I recommend to all of you to focus on fruits and veggies and experiment with how to make healthy living work for you! (And maybe you'll even do a little reboot yourself!)  :)

1 comment:

  1. Good job Joy! I'm proud of your mom too. And really surprised about the clearer vision. I guess the thing that would bug me (like you said) is being hungry all the time. I'll probably ask you to explain that a little more in person. :)
