"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
- John 13:34-35
All across America today churches will be gathered and hold services in memory of 9-11-01.
That is not wrong. The loss of life that day was horrible.
But how many people will also remember those who have suffered and died since then?
How many people will take action to help those who are still suffering the repercussions?
The response of "Christians" in America has not always been what it should have been. We have allowed bitterness and hatred to grow unchecked towards millions and millions of people that we have grouped all into a generalized category, regardless of whether or not they fit in that category, all in the name of patriotism. Responses of certain "churches" have been completely atrocious– people reacting from their own hurt, but in turn hurting a multitude of other Christ followers around the world who then fall victim to extreme governments who wrongly have grouped these earnest, gentle Christ followers in with these "Christians" in America who are being so hateful. The result? More persecution, false trials, and wrongful imprisonment and death for those who dare to follow Christ in those districts across the world, as well as bigger barriers built between true Christians and those we are called to love.
Lately I've been listening to the Cornerstone Simi Podcast "The People of God" sermon by Christian Burkhardt given on 7-10-11 and it's really made me think through some of these issues.
Do we have the heart of a priest, representing Yahweh to the people in this world? Think back on Moses offering to take the people's punishment himself in Exodus 32. That is what Christ did for us. Do we have that same love towards others? We have indeed been called to represent God to those around us. Do we care so deeply for those who don't know God that we would be willing to offer ourselves in their place?
Here are some links you might find interesting if you want to pursue some of this further:
If you would be interested in building bridges rather than barriers:
advocating for persecuted Christians:
writing a government official on behalf of an imprisoned Christian:
Those are just a few of many options. Feel free to share thoughts or more links below.
I'd like to close with the prayer that was given at the end of the podcast referenced earlier:
"Yahweh, You are who You are and not who we think You are and You are more than we can understand. Would You, Lord, please keep our feeble minds from gravitating towards what is comfortable and understandable to us because You are bigger than we can understand and You are better than we can understand, and You have called us to make You known. Father this is not about us trying harder to be like You. This is about being in Your midst, drawing near to You. We have that amazing promise from You in James that if we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. And we see how You took a man like Moses and You molded and shaped his heart to bring it in line with Yours and we ask You to do the same in us. We do not love as we should, we do not care for others as we should... it is intimidating to think of having to love in such an uncomfortable way but Your love is uncomfortable and it's unstoppable and You want to show that through us. It's not about our ability, it's never been about our ability. It's been about You and Your plan and so we humbly ask, God, would You make us a part of Your plan? Would You use us in amazing ways to show Your glory? We ask this in Your name, Lord Jesus, Amen."