Pages- Some of you have asked to see some of the older prayers/songs that I wrote (arr. by year)

Saturday, April 14, 2012


There is something major going on in the US and possibly soon in Europe and Northern Africa. It is called fracking and natural gas companies pump a ton of chemicals way down in the ground into shale formations and it turns into gas and they pump it up and use it. So far, so good. 
But (you knew that was coming) only between 40%-60% of those chemicals come back up and the rest get into drinking water and people can light water coming from their FAUCETS on FIRE. Fun, eh? Not great for your health, though. 
In addition, the companies doing this are under absolutely NO REGULATION. So they don't have to tell anyone what they are using or how they are disposing of it. Which is a problem in and of itself, because even the stuff that does come back up, they are dumping into rivers or trying to get to evaporate by misting it in sunlight, leading to farmland which should have "clean, country air" having pollution levels worse than Los Angeles on a typical day. 
Eat meat? The cattle out west are drinking this water from polluted streams and wells before being butchered. 
Fitness buff? Athletes drinking a lot of water in these areas have been HOSPITALIZED with arsenic poisoning and asked if they think their spouse is trying to kill them. 
The streams that become polluted lose all of their fish because the chemicals DISSOLVE their gills.
Also commonly occurring is irreversible nerve damage, loss of taste and smell, brain damage, damage to developing embryos, and CANCER. 
People are offered a fairly low amount of money for natural gas companies to use their land and if they refuse, the companies have the right to just TAKE the land anyway!
Oh yeah, and the wells have blown up leveling a mile around it. And earthquakes have also been occurring due to the underground trauma.
Where is this happening? All across the country. Currently it is in 34 states including California, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana (side note here: over 2 million people volunteered here with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, well all of that are was covered in a sediment sludge that was comprised of years of these waste chemicals that had been thrown out to sea, but came back for a visit. Volunteers were exposed to this and could quite possibly even now suffer from the side effects on their health.), Michigan, OHIO, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York… 
This is INSANE. Our water is an amazing thing, something that other planets don't have, so they can't support life. WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR WATER. Once it is polluted, the damage is often irreversible. The cases that can be corrected end up costing 100 times more than if safety measures had originally been in place. 
WATCH the movie "GASLAND."
Something must be done.