According to Wikipedia:
A mondegreen is the mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase as a result of near homophony, in a way that gives it a new meaning.
As many of you know, I mishear/misread/misspell things on a very regular basis. I usually keep them to myself, pause a second, reinterpret correctly, and move on. But they do add a rather humorous dimension to life! Anyway, here is the latest:
I'm reading Francis Chan's new book. Or rather, I've been meaning to read it. My mom had borrowed it from me for one of her trips and then tonight when I was packing for vacation she came in and I heard her ask, "Do you want to take a race in hell?"
Ummmm, no, that's not where I was hoping to go for vacation?? It's not really a destination race for triathletes, either... I replayed it over in my mind, trying to grasp any sliver of a context. Then I saw what she was holding.
She had said, "Do you want to take "Erasing Hell"?
Yes. Some good theological beach reading is now in store.